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Acupuncture is not only beneficial for musculoskeletal pain or injuries, but also for any acute or chronic health concerns in the body

  • What is Acupuncture?
    - A system of complementary medicine therapy in which fine needles are inserted into the skin at specific points to free blocked energy (qi) along lines of energy (meridians) ​ - Qi is the life force circulating through our body, from the top of our head to the soles of our feet ​ - When we experience good health, this energy flows unobstructed along pathways in the body called meridians. Each meridian is believed to be connected to a specific organ system, and when an energy flow is disrupted by a disease or an injury, decreased function, illness or pain occurs ​ - Acupuncture balances the flow of Qi and stimulate our body's natural ability to heal within the body
  • How is We:cure Sa'Am Acupuncture different?
    1. Sa'Am acupuncture is a method practiced by Worlo Kyungcho Kim, a renowned master of Sa'Am Acupuncture. His family have developed Sa'Am acupuncture methods through various clinical trials and experiences over four generations. Now it has been passed down onto my mentor, Jay Lee, and he is the only direct succesor of Worlo in New Zealand. I am previlaged to learn and practice unique Korean acupuncture skills from him for the last 7 years. ​ 2. Sa'Am Acupuncture uses the points located below the elbows and knees corresponding to particular characteristics of each of the Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) ​ - Acupuncture needles are applied to the opposite side of the painful area. For example, a patient who feels pain in his left shoulder is given acupuncture on his right foot and hand. So patients do not have to go through the inconvenience of removing their clothes. ​ - We uses only 1 to 8 needles, whereas other methods uses up to hundreds of needles
  • Is acupuncture suitable for me?
    - Acupuncture is used to treat an enormous variety of conditions from a minor sickness such as common cold to sporting injuries. Anyone from newborns to the elderly can benefit from a course of treatment ​ - Acupuncture is a very safe and effective form of medicine with a history of many thousands of years. It can be used not only for the treatment of conditions or illness but also to help keep you well and prevent illness taking hold
  • Does acupuncture treatment hurt?
    - It depends on people and the points where needle inserted. Some people only feels sting feeling or heavy feeling around the base of the inserted needle. But some people doesn't feel anything - Points at the extremities, like toe or finger ends, can sometimes be a little sharp, but the sensation is usually brief
  • Is acupuncture safe?
    - We use sterile acupuncture needles for single use ​ - Yes. All acupoints are located away from our organs (below the elbows and knees), making it a safe method
  • Are there any side effects of acupuncture?
    - Most people believe that they get tired or dizzy after acupuncture treatment (It normally happens when people use many needles during treatment). However, as SaAm acupuncture uses only 1 to 8 needles, the risk of those side effects is very low. Sometimes, minor bruising may occur at the needling site
  • Is acupuncture treatment covered by ACC?
    Yes. Once a claim is accepted by ACC, you can then choose to go to an acupuncturist for treatment

© 2020 We:cure Acupuncture Clinic - All Rights Reserved by We:cure Acupuncture Clinic.

 Address:  Unit1/15 Bishop Lenihan Place, East Tamaki, Auckland

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